Monday, August 13, 2007

Night Dive

I made my first night dive in over thirty years Saturday night at Gilboa Quarry. It was a very strange and surreal experience. You are swimming at 20 to 30 feet in pitch black water and the only things you can see are within your flashlight beam. Strangely enough, I found it very exhilerating, yet relaxing at the same time. The water temperature was 75 degrees, so we were quite cozy.

Underwater photography is different at night. I snapped a whole bunch of pictures, but only these two actually came out. I learned you have to be at arm's length or closer to get a shot or your flashpoint will be out about a yard and your further away subject will get lost in the background.

Still, beside the disappointment of my other pictures not looking good, I am so glad I did this Night Dive and hope to do another soon.

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