Here I am a displaced Steelers fan. Up to two years ago, Elaine, Aaron, and I would have to make an occasional Sunday lunch to Damon's Restaurant to watch the Steelers game. The conflicts with the Browns games were not that many times. That all changed two years ago when Time Warner Cable took WTRF Channel 7 in Weirton West Virginia off their line-up as WTRF was in the Pittsburgh market and we were in the Cleveland market. Last year, I probably had to go to Damon's about 10 to 12 times to watch the games as there was all these schedule conflict times with the Browns games.
It started off that way again this year. Now over the years, anytime I had conversation with Time Warner Customer Service, which was some times, I would let them know that I was very unhappy with them taking Channel 7 off and not having the NFL Network, which broadcast some late year games on Thursday and Saturday nights. All they would do was give me their position on why they did this, but that did not help me.
So, I see that Directv is offering free NFL Sunday Ticket, which broadcasts all the games, including the Steeler games and they have the NFL Network as part of their programming. The NFL Ticket normally costs hundreds of dollars, so Elaine and I talked about it, and we made the switch.
You know what? We like it. This past Sunday was the first fruits of the switch as the local channels have the Browns game and, to make things worse, Damon's closed and I would have had to dig around to find another location to watch the game. It was nice sitting at home, in my home theater room with big screen HD TV and surround sound speakers, in my comfy chair, watching the game. Elaine and I agree that the picture quality is better, there is more programming to choose from, and the remote and receiver box are simpler than Time Warner Cable. So far, we are happy with our choice. Do I recommend it for everyone? After two weeks I do, but time will tell.
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